
S t R a N g E




Hier kommen einge Sachen hin die einfach irgendwie mir gefallen/zu mir passen usw kp






Musik, Glück, Lachen, Freuen, Lieben, Leben, Heulen, Trauer, Spaß, Langeweile, Tod






I am not lazy i am just happy to do nothing


think strange, think stranger, hear strange, hear stranger

 be stange, be stranger



Don´t like to die so far away from home, he said
don´t like to die when I´ll be all alone
so I took him to the place where he came from
and waited for his end to come

I like to help my friends to go away
I like to help my friends to die

Don´t like to die feeling that struggle and pain, she said
don´t like to die slowly going insane
so I gave her the final drink of joy
and put in her arms her favorite toy

I like to help my friends to go away
I like to help my friends to die

help ´em to die

I saw him lying in his burning car
I heard him screaming but help was far
So I walked through the fire and holding his hand
together we waited for the end...




Sometimes here sometimes there sometimes everywhere

thinking out thinking in thinking under skin

Friends will come Friends will go but real Friends change slow

Often happy often sad but very often mad










